Accidental Artillery Blast on Thai Navy Warship Injures 13 Sailors in Chonburi

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Unexpected Explosion on Thailand Navy Ship Causes Multiple Injuries

Information directly from our sources has revealed a startling incident involving a Royal Thai Navy warship, where an accidental artillery shell discharge injured 13 sailors. The unfortunate accident occurred on a frigate docked in Chonburi.

HTMS Chonburi’s Unfortunate Misfire

The vessel in question, HTMS Chonburi, was returning after a firing exercise with the artillery still lodged in its gun when the mishap happened. The shell was accidentally set off during attempts by Navy engineers to remove it safely. This unexpected explosion resulted in a frightening fire onboard the HTMS Khirirat, a member of the First Frigate Fleet.

Quick Response to Fire

The intense blaze rendered the ship’s deck thick with black smoke. Luckily, due to the swift reaction of firefighters and the efficiency of four fire engines, the conflagration was brought under control within half an hour.

Injury Tally

The incident led to some severe injuries among the crew. Two officers, Chief Petty Officer First Class Surinya Nitboonkrong and Petty Officer First Class Jakarin Thongmanee, bore the brunt of the impact. All the injured personnel were swiftly transported to Sirikit Hospital for immediate medical attention.

Official Stance on the Incident

The Navy is yet to release an official statement about the cause behind the unexpected explosion. Further investigations into the incident are underway.

HTMS Khirirat’s Profile

HTMS Khirirat is a patrol frigate that has been in operation for five decades. Constructed by Norfolk Shipbuilding & Drydock Corporation in the United States, the vessel is equipped to confront air, surface, and underwater threats. This tragic incident serves as a reminder of the dangers navy personnel face even in supposedly safe environments.


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