Xavier School Nuvali Goes Green: Fully Transitions to Renewable Energy with ACEN RES Partnership

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ACEN: Setting the Pace for a Greener Future in Philippine Schools

The Reader Wall news Website has gathered from trusted sources that ACEN Renewable Energy Solutions (ACEN RES), an independent wing of ACEN, recently initiated a significant collaboration with Xavier School Nuvali. This strategic alliance aims to transition the educational institution towards a 100% renewable energy source. The motive behind this move coincides with ACEN’s broader goal of supporting Philippine academics towards the attainment of carbon neutrality.

Towards a Cleaner Environment

As part of the agreement, Xavier School Nuvali will exclusively derive its power from ACEN’s comprehensive renewable energy resources. These sources include wind, solar, and geothermal energy. Notably, this shift is anticipated to present substantial environmental benefits. To put it into perspective, these advantages are equivalent to the removal of 114 cars from the streets annually, which evidently contributes fundamentally to the global efforts of reducing carbon levels.

Celebrating a Green Milestone

To mark this uplifting endeavor, a ceremonial event took place at Xavier School Nuvali’s campus. High-ranking executives from ACEN RES graced the occasion alongside the school’s leadership team, faculty members, trustees, and student representatives. Fr. Aristotle Dy, SJ, Xavier School’s President, emphasized the essential role this partnership plays in instilling a mindset of sustainability within the educational community.

Alignment with Laudato Si

Tony Valdez, ACEN’s Senior Vice President for Market Transformation and Retail, delineated the partnership’s alignment with the encyclical Laudato Si penned by Pope Francis. This encyclical calls for care for our planet.

ACEN’s Bold Vision

ACEN is affiliated with the reputable Ayala group and has set forth an ambitious vision of becoming SouthEast Asia’s largest listed renewable energy platform. The organization has drafted impressive goals of accomplishing 20 GW of renewable capacity by 2030, fully transitioning to renewable energy by 2025, and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. This vision reveals ACEN’s steadfast commitment to championing sustainable energy solutions in the Philippines and beyond.

  • The transition of Xavier School Nuvali to renewable energy is an exemplary initiative towards carbon neutrality.
  • ACEN’s renewable energy portfolio provides significant environmental benefits.
  • The partnership between ACEN RES and Xavier School Nuvali resonates with Laudato Si’s call for planetary care.
  • ACEN’s progressive goals signal a promising leap towards a greener future.

Meet Declan, an insightful author on ReaderWall specializing in Health. With a passion for promoting holistic well-being, Declan combines expertise in nutrition, fitness, and mindfulness to empower readers on their wellness journey. Explore Declan's engaging articles for expert advice and inspiration, fostering a healthier and happier lifestyle.