Vietnam’s Financial Sector Set for Digital Leap with WFIS 2024, Backed by VNBA and Tradepass

The Reader Wall Google News

Vietnam poised for unprecedented technological innovation with the return of WFIS 2024

The Reader Wall has the inside scoop on a forthcoming groundbreaking event in the world of finance. The long-awaited return of the World Financial Innovation Series (WFIS) to Vietnam is slated for April 2024, a follow-up to the massive success of the previous event which caused ripples in the country’s Financial Services Industry (FSI).

A Closer Look at the Organizers

The event owes its existence to the stellar organization by Tradepass, a leading player in conducting high profile finance and technology events. Again, the Vietnam Banks Association (VNBA) has come on board as the event’s Official Supporting Partner, a collaboration that previously helped WFIS make significant strides.

Dr. Nguyen Quoc Hung, Vice Chairman and General Secretary of VNBA has come forward and stressed the imperative role of this event in advancing Vietnam’s banking and financial sector through enhanced digital transformations. He intimated our source with his belief that the event will have a positive impact on increasing collaboration within the sector.

Central Topics of Discussion

WFIS 2024 intends to cover a comprehensive array of topics which are paramount in reshaping the banking landscape. The list includes but is not limited to Big Data in Banking, Automation in Customer On-boarding, Cloud Technology, Mobile Banking, and the shift of Fintechs to Super Apps.

Who’s Speaking at the Event?

Adding more credibility to the proceedings, the WFIS 2024 has been graced by an array of esteemed speakers from across the globe. Among them are Pranav Seth, Huu Quang Nguyen, Michal Skalicky, Rachel Nguyen, and Fred Lim. These leading industry figures will contribute invaluable insights regarding the latest in financial services, providing an enriching experience to the participants.

WFIS – A Platform for Vietnam’s Fintech Portrayal

The return of WFIS serves a bigger purpose than just being an event. Tradepass, via WFIS, aims to spotlight the overwhelming potential of Vietnam’s fintech scene on a global platform. The intent goes beyond attracting capital and seeks to garner collaborations with international players as well.

Sharpening Technological Acumen in the Financial Sphere

While the global financial services sector continues to evolve at a dizzying pace, it becomes all the more vital for financial institutions to stay up-to-date and operate at their best. WFIS offers a unique opportunity for these institutions to acquire latest technology solutions and receive first-hand updates about industry developments, ensuring they stay at the top of their game.


Keeping up the tradition of breaking new ground, WFIS 2024 will facilitate conversations and collaborations that could redefine the financial landscape of Vietnam, and potentially, the world. With the return of this event, the future of Vietnam’s fintech scene looks brighter than ever.
