Tragic Loss at Jammu & Kashmir Wedding: One Dead, Four Hospitalized from Generator Fumes

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Tragic Incident in Doda: Generator Fumes Cause Fatality at Wedding Celebration

An unfortunate event unfolded recently in Dedha, a locality within Gool, Ramban in Jammu and Kashmir. An 18-year-old boy tragically lost his life, and four others had to be rushed to the hospital. The cause of the crisis was identified to be a faulty generator that had been operating in an enclosed space during a wedding ceremony, as per reports from our local correspondent.

A Fatal Mistake

The victim, identified as Mohammad Tariq, was a resident of Dedha. He along with four others became victims of the toxic fumes unknowingly emitted by the generator, leading to a tragic end for the young man, according to our sources. The victims were exposed to the toxic gas while they were sound asleep. The smoke slowly filled their dwelling, leading to suffocation and, in the case of Tariq, death. The other four individuals affected by the intoxicating fumes were found in time and are now receiving necessary treatments.

An Avoidable Tragedy

This unfortunate situation exposes the potential dangers of using power generators in poorly ventilated areas, a common practice at numerous social gatherings. Couple this with people’s generally low awareness of such hazards, and the result can be fatal, as illustrated by this distressing incident. The proper use of such heavy-duty equipments, following safety measures and increasing public awareness, can help prevent similar incidents in the future.

Creating Awareness and Ensuring Safety

  • Using a generator in an enclosed or a poorly ventilated space is dangerous because it can result in the release of harmful fumes.
  • The gases emitted by the generator if inhaled could lead to severe health issues, including suffocation and even death.
  • It’s important to provide appropriate ventilation for generators to allow the safe dispersion of exhaust gases.
  • Regular maintenance and proper setup of generators can prevent such incidents.
  • Public awareness about such safety measures is crucial for the prevention of such tragic occurrences.

In conclusion, this avoidable tragedy underlines the importance of taking safety precautions when using equipment like generators at social events. It’s a valuable lesson for everyone needs to be mindful of, to prevent any such incidents in the future.


Meet Declan, an insightful author on ReaderWall specializing in Health. With a passion for promoting holistic well-being, Declan combines expertise in nutrition, fitness, and mindfulness to empower readers on their wellness journey. Explore Declan's engaging articles for expert advice and inspiration, fostering a healthier and happier lifestyle.