State Senator Jake Ashby Takes Charge in Fight Against Opioid Crisis

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In Albany, New York, State Senator Jake Ashby is working alongside Senate Republican colleagues and recovery advocates to garner support for a series of legislative measures aimed at combating the rising opioid crisis. The focus of these initiatives primarily centers on the increasing number of deaths associated with fentanyl and its synthetic analogs, a distressing reality that Ashby believes necessitates immediate and resolute action.

Tackling the Opioid Epidemic

The rally included a speech by prominent recovery advocate Tim Murdick, a native of Averill Park who leads the opioid prevention group, Nopiates. In his address, Murdick expressed support for what he labels ‘common-sense bills.’ One such proposal is Chelsey’s Law, a legislation that would hold drug dealers accountable for manslaughter if their drugs result in fatal overdoses.

A Comprehensive Legislative Approach

In addition to Chelsey’s Law, Ashby is advocating for the passage of bill S.7763. This measure seeks to classify xylazine, a horse tranquilizer frequently combined with fentanyl, as a Schedule One narcotic. The decision to elevate this substance to Schedule One status is based on its detrimental effects on users, including the development of severe skin injuries.

Ashby is also sponsoring bills aimed at imposing stricter penalties on fentanyl dealers, obliging insurance companies to offer access to drug treatment, and preventing dealers from targeting individuals at recovery meetings. In his speech, Ashby emphasized the necessity of a comprehensive and cooperative approach to combating the crisis. Such an approach, he insisted, would involve treatment providers, law enforcement, mental health professionals, and government officials.

Putting an End to the Acceptance of Overdose Deaths

In a strong statement, Ashby asserted that the acceptance of overdose deaths in New York must cease. His rallying call was a plea for action against the opioid epidemic, a crisis that has resulted in profound grief and devastation for families and communities throughout New York State and the nation.
