SciMar Launches Inclusive Investment platform for Revolutionizing Type 2 Diabetes Research

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Dauphin-based BioTech company, SciMar, presents a groundbreaking investment opportunity that could potentially revolutionize the realm of Type 2 Diabetes treatment. Led by CEO and Co-Founder Mick Loutt, the company is utilizing Regulation A+ to democratize investment, allowing a more diverse range of investors to support their innovative work.

Innovating Investment and Medical Science

SciMar’s innovative investment registration approach follows the model of an IPO while maintaining the company’s private status. This strategy significantly reduces the minimum investment amount from a daunting $50,000-$100,000 to a mere $99 US. This not only expands investment participation but also expedites the company’s research in treating and potentially curing Type 2 Diabetes.

Built upon two decades of rigorous research conducted by Loutt’s father at the University of Manitoba, SciMar has discovered a pivotal insight into Type 2 Diabetes. The company has identified a second hormone called Paladin that originates from the liver and plays a crucial role in managing the disease. Their findings suggest that Type 2 Diabetics may not require additional insulin, but rather lack sufficient levels of Paladin. In response, SciMar is developing a range of products and techniques to restore Paladin’s function within the body.

Addressing a National Health Crisis

Loutt emphasizes the urgency of their innovative intervention, highlighting the alarmingly high risk of Type 2 Diabetes among Canadians, particularly the younger population. The disease’s prevalence is even more significant within the indigenous community, underscoring the essential nature of SciMar’s work for national health.

Those interested in supporting this groundbreaking endeavor can find more information about SciMar’s investment opportunity on their website. The company also hosts a podcast, “Inside the Breakthrough,” available on various podcast platforms, offering captivating insights into their research and the broader implications for combating Type 2 Diabetes.
