Rev. Dr. Dorothy Wells Voted First Female, African American Bishop of Mississippi’s Episcopal Diocese

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Rev. Dr. Dorothy Sanders Wells: A New Era of Leadership for Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi

In a remarkable transition, the Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi has elevated Rev. Dr. Dorothy Sanders Wells as its head, marking her as the first woman and first Black person to take on this responsibility. Garnering the most votes from delegates of 87 congregations on the election Saturday, Wells stood out amongst the five candidates who were contesting for the position.

From Seage to Wells: The Turning of a New Leaf

The baton of leadership is being passed from Bishop Brian Seage, who has been at the helms since 2014, to Rev. Dr. Wells. Seage portrayed the election as a symbol of transformative change in the church, acknowledging the value of diversity. This move doesn’t simply reflect progress in terms of racial and gender equality, but also serves as a testament to Wells’s commendable qualifications and pledge to the church.

The Versatility of Rev. Dr. Wells

Before her victorious election, Wells served as a rector at St. George’s Episcopal Church in Germantown, Tennessee, and also functioned as a chaplain at the church’s preschool. Her intellectual accomplishments go beyond theology. She has credentials in vocal performance from Rhodes College and holds graduate degrees in law and divinity. Such a varied background equips her with a unique viewpoint, making her capable of catering to a diverse range of church members and meeting the needs of the diocese effectively.

Embracing the Challenges with Grace and Humility

Wells’s ordination is set to take place on July 20. Following her election victory, she voiced her humility and keen desire to serve the people of the Diocese of Mississippi. As the church wrestles with declining attendance amongst other challenges, Wells’ leadership promises to bring forth essential changes. Her groundbreaking election marks an era of transformation and advancement not just for the Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi, but for the Episcopal Church at large.

  • Rev. Dr. Wells assumes bishop’s position in the Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi, becoming the first woman and first Black person in this role.
  • Ex-bishop Brian Seage depicts Wells’s election as a sign of revolutionary change and applauds the move.
  • Wells’s diverse background spanning law, vocal performance and divinity equips her to lead with a unique perspective.
Anna Parker

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