Port Blair Launches Traffic Warden Scheme to Boost School Road Safety

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Traffic Warden Scheme: A Notable Initiative for Road Safety and Police Efficiency

Traffic Warden Scheme Launched in Port Blair

In an unprecedented move to enhance road safety and police performance, a significant initiative known as the ‘Traffic Warden Scheme’ was unveiled in Port Blair on March 7. The scheme was brought to life by Shri. Devesh Chandra Srivastva, IPS, the Director General of Police, A&N Islands, with a special focus on boosting safety around schools during rush hours, according to our sources.

Role of Teachers in the Traffic Warden Scheme

This innovative project solicits the involvement of two voluntary teachers from each school, who are identified as traffic wardens. They are equipped with reflective traffic jackets to help monitor and regulate traffic during times when schools are opening and closing. The intent behind this scheme is to safeguard students and help smoothen the flow of traffic in the vicinity of school premises.

Implementation of the Scheme

To put this plan into action, as many as 44 schools in the N&MA District have been chosen, in which 88 teachers have been trained to understand the rudiments of traffic regulation. This is a clear indication of how significantly community participation can contribute to the safety on roads.

Supporting Words from the Director General of Police

The DGP praised the scheme as a joint venture between the police and educational institutes aimed at preserving the safety of children and fostering discipline among the young generation.

Awards and Recognition

The scheme has received high acclaim for its commitment to public safety and effective law enforcement. Ms. Geetanjali Khandelwal, IPS, Superintendent of Police, N&MA District, has been specially recognized for her enthusiastic participation in the initiative along with the volunteer teachers who have willingly stepped forward to implement this laudable task.

Ethan Garcia

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