Nigerian Engineers Turn to Bamboo Amid Skyrocketing Iron Rod Prices

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Escalating Building Material Costs in Nigeria Drive Shift Towards Bamboo


In the face of rising building material prices in Nigeria, specifically iron rods, a tangible shift towards bamboo use as a more affordable alternative for construction purposes is being observed. The economic challenges rocking the nation have made it difficult for many Nigerians to keep up with the skyrocketing costs of basic necessities like building materials. Thus, construction projects have been left unfinished and properties that are not yet completed have been put up for sale. However, some individuals are showing resilience by turning to bamboo, highly regarded for its firmness and rigidity, as a substitute for iron rods in the erection of building pillars and decking.

Cost-driven Shift

This paradigm shift can largely be attributed to the noticeable cost disparity between bamboo and iron rods. Within a span of just one year, the price of the latter has amplified twofold. Using bamboo presents a more economically feasible alternative, making it an advantageous option for individuals unable to meet the towering costs of iron rods.

Concerns Over Building Quality

However, as bamboo emerges as a cheaper solution, worries over potential quality compromise and a consequent increase in building collapses have surfaced. The escalating situation is cast into further turmoil due to lack of government intervention towards reducing the expenses associated with building materials. This situation continues to exert mounting pressure on the construction industry, and businesses related to it, such as bamboo sellers. These vendors are struggling amid escalating prices, a consequent effect of spiraling logistics and levies.

The Future of Bamboo in Construction

While bamboo has traditionally been an underutilized resource in Nigeria, the present circumstances, coupled with its inherent benefits of rigidity act as significant contributors to its growing popularity. However, it is also important to note that this practice is still in its relative infancy, and more research needs to be conducted to ensure the feasibility and safety of its use for construction purposes.


  • Bamboo’s rise in popularity is a clear reflection of the individual’s instinct to adapt and overcome challenges within the realm of affordability and feasibility.
  • Despite concerns over building quality and safety, it is undeniable that bamboo is becoming a game-changer in Nigeria’s construction industry.
  • The government and other stakeholders need to step in to conduct extensive research and offer guidelines for its safe and effective use. Speculations and worries can only be quelled by scientifically founded assurances regarding the structural strength and long-term durability of bamboo-based constructions.
  • Regardless of the concerns, the trend of using bamboo in place of iron rods is indicative of Nigerians’ resilience in the face of economic hardships.
Elijah Muhammad