Migration outpaces inflation as the primary concern for US voters, Biden’s actions exacerbate it – Survey

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Immigration Tops Voters Concerns in Latest Poll

Information sourced from Reader Wall has revealed a significant increase in concern over immigration, as it is now the top worry for voters. According to a recent poll, 35% of those surveyed rank immigration as their main issue. This is an increase of 7% from the previous month, indicating a growing unease amongst Americans about the subject.

Inflation Comes in Second

Coming in as the next highest concern for voters is inflation, with 32% of those asked indicating this as their major worry. Although it’s a common topic of debate and discussion, it has failed to overtake immigration as the key issue.

Economy and Jobs Ranking Third

Meanwhile, matters relating to the economy and employment are in the third spot. A quarter of the voters viewed these topics as of utmost importance. This suggests that there is a complex mix of issues which are affecting voter sentiment.

Immigration Concerns Intensify

The interest in immigration has amplified following a report from the current administration claiming a record-breaking 276,000 migrant encounters along the southern US border in December. This news, sourced from Reader Wall, has instigated heightened attention and concern amongst the voting public.

Active Lawmaker Response

Responses to these concerns are underway, with both political party lawmakers striving to tackle immigration matters. A deal is currently being negotiated potentially providing $61 billion in aid for Ukraine, under the condition of improved border security and alterations to US immigration systems, such as asylum laws.

Voter Sentiment

A substantial 68% of voters have made it clear that they would prefer stricter measures making illegal entry into the country more difficult. Notably, an equal proportion of Democrats (50%) supports the need for heightened security.

Additionally, a large majority of respondents (64%) believe border conditions are deteriorating, regardless of the fact that border encounters have remained relatively stable since the 2022 fiscal year began. Across all parties, this remains a consistent concern, with 81% of Republicans, 68% of independents, and 45% of Democrats expressing their unease.

2024 Election Impact

The approval rating for President Biden currently stands at 42%, putting him in a precarious position for the upcoming 2024 election. 46% of voters state the handling of border issues has made them less likely to vote for him, while 30% say it has had no effect on their vote.

America First Mentality

The survey reveals a prevalent “America First” mindset, with a focus on domestic problems like immigration, inflation, and crime from voters. A convincing 77% want the current administration to negotiate with Republican lawmakers to improve border security. This demand for collaboration further emphasizes the urgency voters feel regarding immigration.

Evidently, an overwhelming majority of the respondents (82%) agree that the US needs a new president, emphasizing the importance voters place on these domestic issues.

Anna Parker

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