Kazakhstan and Benelux Union Eye Enhanced Cooperation: Ambitions for a Greener, Connected Future

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Diplomatic Engagements between Ambassador of Kazakhstan and Benelux Union Leaders

The recent meeting between the Ambassador of Kazakhstan, Margulan Baimukhan, and top-ranking officials from the Benelux Union, focused on possible collaboration opportunities. This information comes directly from internal sources at The Reader Wall news Website.

Kazakhstan’s European Priorities

The main talking points during the discussions included Kazakhstan’s Europe-oriented objectives, as well as the enforcement of the Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with the European Union. Fulfilling and regulating this agreement is regarded as vital in maintaining strong diplomatic ties.

Introduction to Benelux cooperation formats

During his presentation, the Secretary General of the Benelux Union, Frans Weekers, provided an overview of the cooperation channels within Benelux. These typically fall under the categories of intergovernmental, interparliamentary, and law enforcement interactions among its participating states.

Kazakhstan’s ‘Middle Corridor’

Baimukhan then introduced the concept of developing an international transport route termed the ‘Middle Corridor’. Additionally, he drew attention to Kazakhstan’s commitment to achieve carbon neutrality by the year 2060. This initiative has sparked a strong interest in the production of ‘green’ hydrogen in the country, which is in line with the global push for renewable energy.

EU-Central Asia Cooperatives

Highlights of the meeting also included discussions around cooperation priorities between Central Asian nations and the EU. In particular, the Global Gateway Investors Forum for EU-Central Asia Transport Connectivity garnered much attention. This initiative aims to generate up to ten billion Euros for a transport corridor leading to the EU.

Invitation to Astana International Forum

In conclusion, Ambassador Baimukhan extended an invitation to Weekers to attend the Astana International Forum in Kazakhstan. This event offers a platform for further diplomatic and economic discussions between the involved parties.


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