Hero Dad Climbs Everest Base Camp, Raises £12K for Special Needs School in Bromsgrove

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Kevin Hatch, Father and Hero, Raises Fund for Special Education School Through Everest Trek

A passionate father, committed team leader at Severn Trent Network and a community hero, 42-year-old Kevin Hatch successfully undertaken a gruelling 14-day climb to the Everest Base Camp. His bold move was all in a noble cause – to collect £12,000 for Chadsgrove School in Bromsgrove. This educational institution is known for their impeccable services for students with special needs.

The Inspiring Visit to Chadsgrove School

Kevin’s journey with Chadsgrove School began in 2019. He had the chance to stop by the school while leading a project in Catshill for Severn Trent. During his visit, he witnessed the sheer dedication of the teachers and the resilience of the students which left him inspired. Since then, he has been an active participant in the school’s various projects, including the organization of a Tiny Forest and leading an effort for improving the school playground.

The Tough Trek Fueled by Determination

Despite the physical challenges of the trek, such as altitude sickness and acclimatization issues, as well as illness that befell some of his accompanying group members, Kevin’s resolve remained unshaken. The students, staff of Chadsgrove School and his supportive donors remained an unwavering source of encouragement throughout his journey.

Immense Pride and Joy upon Return

After returning from his arduous expedition, Hatch presented the collected funds to Chadsgrove School, wherein he currently holds an honorary position as an Enterprise Advisor. Deb Rattley, the Head Teacher of the school, was effusive in her praise, lauding Kevin as a ‘hero’ and a crucial cog in the daily functioning of the school community.

Hatch’s Motivation and Future Plans

Kevin Hatch, also a foster parent, reiterated his inspiration as stemming from the unfailing joy and resilience of the children. Along with support from his beloved wife Louise and his colleagues at Severn Trent, Hatch continues to contribute to improving the lives of Chadsgrove school children. With the funds collected, plans are being made for more projects that would benefit the school.

  • Following the successful funding initiative, Hatch continues to work closely with the school.

  • The funds raised from his epic journey to Everest Base Camp are set to support and enhance Chadsgrove School’s learning experience.


Kevin Hatch has set a remarkable precedence through community spirit, personal resolve, and philanthropy. His story serves as constant inspiration – reminding us that almost insurmountable obstacles can be overcome when we are fueled by a noble intention and support from our communities.

Anna Parker

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