Hamilton Leisure Club Plans a Major Move and Comprehensive Renovation Amid Demolition

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Hamilton Leisure Club: A Rebirth of Bersalon in a New Location

Hamilton Leisure Club, formerly known as Bersalon, is poised for a major revival in a brand-new location. The club has laid out ambitious plans for a wellness center to be included in its new facilities, aiming to broaden its wellness offerings and attract a larger member base.

Bersalon’s Journey to Becoming Hamilton Leisure Club

Originally situated at 75 Pitts Bay Road, the former premises of Bersalon were destined for demolition, prompting the club’s urgent relocation. Our source indicates that the AS Cooper Building on Reid Street has been selected for this new endeavor. A planning application to convert one of the building’s floors into a unique leisure and wellness center has already been submitted.

Facilities on Offer at New Location

The proposed renovations of the new Hamilton Leisure Club promise a comprehensive wellness experience for its future members. Wellness enthusiasts can look forward to experiencing spa treatments in specially designed rooms, enjoying tranquility in a quiet rest area equipped with a water feature, indulging in a lounge and a wine room, and benefitting from other essential facilities.

As per our source, the transformation will also accommodate typical back-of-house functions such as offices and staff areas, ensuring smooth operation of the club. It’s a refreshingly different design and layout, aimed at fulfilling both the operational requirements and rebranding aims of the business.

Reasons Behind the Shift

Recognized affiliate of Hamilton Leisure Club, Sophie Ternent, has pointed out that the demolition of their former location propelled this significant move. She acknowledged the urgency and complexity involved in finding a new suitable location. Finally, after a prolonged search, the Reid Street location was chosen to house the rebirth of Bersalon as Hamilton Leisure Club.


  • The Hamilton Leisure Club, used to be known as Bersalon, is moving to a new location after its original premises were set for demolition.
  • The new location in the AS Cooper Building on Reid Street is planned to include a wellness center.
  • The plan includes constructing spa treatment rooms, rest areas with a water feature, a lounge, and a wine room.
  • The move was necessitated by the demolition of the Bersalon’s former location, and the search for a new location was both urgent and prolonged.
Gina Torres

Gina Torres, an accomplished author in the realm of Agriculture, brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to ReaderWall. With a passion for sustainable farming practices and environmental stewardship, Torres's insightful writings delve into the intricacies of modern agriculture, offering valuable insights and practical solutions for readers seeking a deeper understanding of the field. Explore her works to cultivate a greener future.