Egypt Honors Lt. Gen. Abdel Moneim Riad: Martyr’s Day Commemoration Highlights National Heroes

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Martyr’s Day: Remembering Lieutenant General Abdel Moneim Riad

On March 9, Egypt pays tribute on Martyr’s Day to Lieutenant General Abdel Moneim Riad. Our sources inform us that this national day honours Lt. Gen. Riad’s sacrifice during the War of Attrition at the Suez Canal front, a conflict that shifted the course of history in 1969.

Martyr’s Day: A Homage to Heroism

The Ministry of Defence, in a heartfelt tribute, unveiled ‘The Impact Remains’ videos. These visuals are designed to echo the incredible history and supreme sacrifices made by martyrs like Lt. Gen. Riad and others who have followed in his footsteps.

The Legacy of Lieutenant General Abdel Moneim Riad

Born on October 22, 1919, in the small town of Spriyay, Tanta, Abdel Moneim Riad has left an enduring legacy as one of the most decorated Arab soldiers of the twentieth century.

Riad’s illustrious military career was filled with his participation in notable conflicts. These included the Palestine War, the Second World War, the tripartite aggression, the 1967 war, and the War of Attrition.

Posthumous Recognition and Continuing Legacy

After his death, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser posthumously elevated Riad to the rank of Lieutenant General. Moreover, he was awarded the Military Star of Honor, which holds the distinction of being Egypt’s premier military decoration.

In a move to commemorate Riad’s heroic legacy and the many sacrifices made by others like him, March 9 was declared as Martyr’s Day in Egypt. This date now stands as a symbol of national pride and a memorial to all those who have laid down their lives in the line of duty.


As we remember Martyr’s Day, it is essential to reflect on the significant sacrifices made by soldiers like Lieutenant General Abdel Moneim Riad. They are the heroes who have shaped the course of history with their courage and dedication. Their legacies continue to inspire and serve as a beacon of strength and resiliency to future generations.
