Donald Trump overpowers Nikki Haley in initial South Carolina survey by 27%

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Trump Holds Significant Lead over Haley in 2024 South Carolina Poll

According to recent reports from the Reader Wall newsroom, a fresh survey denotes a significant lead for Ex-President Donald Trump over his potential 2024 rival Nikki Haley, even in Haley’s home state, South Carolina.

Pole Presented by American Promise and the Tyson Group

The survey, executed by American Promise in collaboration with the Tyson Group, discovered that 58% of likely South Carolina Republican primary voters favour Trump. Nikki Haley, who served as South Carolina’s governor from 2011 to 2017, could only muster 31% support, leaving 11% undecided.

Demographic and Political Group Survey Results

Trump managed to outdo Haley in every surveyed demographic and political group, with the exception of self-identified Democrats—who favoured Haley by 49% to 5%. However, given that Democrats are unlikely to vote in a GOP primary, which only allows registered Republicans to participate, this may not have significant influence.

The Favorability of Trump versus Haley

Furthermore, the survey revealed that Trump found more favour amongst South Carolina voters compared to Haley. Almost 70% of those surveyed held a favourable perception of Trump—44% claiming their view was “strongly favourable.” Haley’s favourability rating sat at 56%, with a “strongly favourable” sentiment identified by only 23% of participants.

Main Concerns of South Carolina Voters

The predominant issues for voters in South Carolina were revealed as the economy and immigration. Two-thirds (66%) mentioned the economy as one of their primary concerns, while half (50%) indicated that “combatting illegal immigration” was a top concern.

Outcome of New Hampshire Primary

This survey is the first significant insight into the sentiments of South Carolinian voters post the New Hampshire primary, where Trump trumped Haley by a substantial 11 points. Aside from Trump, Haley also fell behind Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, ranking third in the state of Iowa.

Stature of Trump’s Endorsements

To clinch her home state election victory, Haley faces a daunting task, considering Trump garnered endorsements from over 150 incumbent and past elected merchants, including Senator Tim Scott, Senator Lindsey Graham, and Governor Henry McMaster.

Haley’s Arguments and Trump’s Retorts

Haley has maintained that endorsement from the “political elite” isn’t necessary for victory, blaming her dwindling support on her endeavours to hold the South Carolina government “accountable”. Conversely, Trump has openly mocked Haley for her poor polling in her home state, even bringing his South Carolina followers to his New Hampshire rallies to demonstrate his support.

A message delivered by Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung aimed at Haley stated, “Nikki loves to talk about cognitive impairment on the campaign trail, but she should take a hard look at herself and her life choices if she thinks she can be competitive in her home state of South Carolina in exactly one month. Name one state that Nikki can win. There isn’t one.”

Anna Parker

Anna Parker, a distinguished author in the realm of business literature, brings a wealth of expertise to ReaderWall. With a profound understanding of corporate dynamics, Parker's insightful works offer invaluable insights into leadership, strategy, and organizational excellence. Explore her thought-provoking writings on ReaderWall's Business category and elevate your understanding of the business world.