Sliema Band Set to Enliven St Joseph Feast in Rabat with Festive Marches

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Sliema Band to Grace St Joseph’s Feast Festivities

According to sources from our news desk, the famous Sliema Band has remarkably been invited by the rector and officials of the Rabat’s Archconfraternity of St Joseph. The band is set to put up a mesmerizing show during the highly anticipated feast of St Joseph slated for March 16. Notably, the performance is expected to kick off at 8.30pm and will wrap up in front of the prestigious L’Isle Adam Band Club.

Band to Showcase Electrifying Selections

Further reports gathered from our field team reveal that, under the adept leadership of their bandmaster, Lesley Tabone, the band is primed to showcase an impressive assortment of band marches. This will comprise of a number of tracks from a CD which was released last year to celebrate the 100-year mark since the establishment of the highly esteemed Sliema Philharmonic Society.

Local Żejtun Activists Champion for Plan Amendment

Another interesting development, as per our sources, is the stirring campaign by Żejtun activists who are lobbying for an amendment to the local plan. This is in a spirited bid to safeguard against the potential expansion of Bulebel, thus retaining the locality’s rich aesthetic and history.

Feast of the Patron Saint in Kerċem

The festivities don’t stop there. According to information obtained from our local correspondents, the feast of the patron saint in Kerċem is to be celebrated on the coming Sunday. This rich cultural event traditionally attracts a multitude of attendees and is undoubtedly the highlight of the Kerċem’s communal calendar.

  • The Sliema Band to perform at the feast of St Joseph
  • Band marches selection included in their performance
  • Żejtun activists advocating for a local plan amendment against Bulebel expansion
  • Feast of the patron saint in Kerċem set for Sunday
  • Bandmaster Lesley Tabone leading the band in the performance
  • Brielle

    Brielle, a dedicated and insightful author, contributes to ReaderWall's Education category with a passion for knowledge sharing. Her engaging writing style and expertise in educational topics create a compelling resource for readers seeking valuable insights and information. Explore Brielle's articles to enhance your understanding and stay informed in the ever-evolving landscape of education.