Kenyan Mother’s Quest for Ksh.150 Million to Save Son from Saudi Death Sentence

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Kenyan Mother Struggles to Free Her Son from Saudi Prison

From our reliable source, we learn of a deeply touching story of a Kenyan mother, Dorothy, who is frantically striving to unchain her son, known as Stephen, held captive in a Saudi Arabian jail. Stephen was imprisoned 13 years ago, found guilty of committing murder on April 12, 2011, and since his sentence has been down the grim path of imaginable suffering due to the possibility of death by beheading.

Execution or ‘Diya’ Payment. A Puzzling Choice

Closer examination resulted in the understanding that Stephen had a choice to evade a lethal fate provided he could discharge a ‘diya’ or blood price, in adherence with Islamic rules. As soon as the victim’s son reached the age to form an opinion about the execution, Stephen found himself at the crossroads. The victim’s kin has demanded an exorbitant 10 million SAR, equivalent to roughly Ksh.150 million, to set Stephen free.

Community Coming Together: A Silver Lining

Irrespective of the staggering amount, Dorothy displayed undeterred strength and went on to rally support from her local community, government representatives, and the Kenyan Ministry of Foreign and Diaspora Affairs. Owing to their generous help, they were successful in collecting a fraction of the total requested sum.

Unfaltering Efforts to Meet the Deadline

Under the pressure of the nearing May 15 deadline, Dorothy divulged deeper into her efforts. In her public appeal to raise additional funds, she emphasised the spirit of unity exhibited by the local and diaspora communities in contributing to the noble cause. She puts forward an earnest appeal for more financial support to grant her son a second chance at life.

A Call to Action

  • Dorothy’s struggle is a poignant reminder of the adversities faced by many, often going unnoticed and unheard.
  • Her fervent plea suggests that community solidarity can indeed play a crucial role in such desperate circumstances.
  • In calling for more aid, her story underlines the need for individuals and communities to lend a hand and stand by those in their hour of need.
Elijah Muhammad