Kenyan Mother’s Quest for Ksh.150 Million to Save Son from Saudi Death Sentence

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Kenyan Mother’s Plea: Saving Her Son from Saudi Arabian Death Penalty

A Personal Struggle: Dorothy’s and Her Son Stephen’s Tale

From our reliable sources, we reveal a poignant tale of a Kenyan Mother, Dorothy, and her relentless struggle to liberate her son, Stephen, from the grasp of a Saudi Arabian prison. The young man has spent the last 13 years of his life in captivity, burdened with the execution verdict imposed on him for a murder crime he was implicated in on April 12, 2011.

In Pursuit of Freedom or Execution: The Turning Point

The heartrending scenario has taken a severe turn with the unfolding of information that Stephen’s life hangs in the balance, stuck between execution by the sword or the payment of ‘diya’ or blood money. This penalty occurs in accordance to the Islamic law that allows the aggrieved victim’s son, upon maturity, to make an informed decision on the execution leeway.

The Price of Stephen’s Freedom

In Stephen’s case, the son of the alleged murder’s victim is demanding 10 million SAR, an equivalent of roughly Ksh.150 million. This request is to compensate for the life of his father and serve as a condition for sparing Stephen’s life, freeing him from the death sentence.

Funds Mobilization: A Mother’s Hope

Despite being daunted by the towering figure that stands in the way of her son’s freedom, Dorothy still believes in miracles. She has stretched her palms, receiving help from all corners of her community, local government officials, and even the Kenyan Ministry of Foreign and Diaspora Affairs. The collective effort has seen her amass part of the funds requested for Stephen’s release.

A Desperate Appeal: Dorothy’s Plea for More Support

With the date of May 15 serving as a constant reminder of the looming danger, Dorothy continually calls for more people to extend financial support in a bid to salvage her son’s life. She passionately emphasizes the unity and solidarity from local and diaspora communities who have contributed tremendously towards the cause. Stephen’s freedom only lies a money raise away.

Community Response: Embodying the Power of Unity

Despite the severity of the situation, Dorothy’s account has touched the hearts of many, demonstrating the power of unity in the face of adversity. The tremendous show of support from both local and diaspora communities has significantly contributed towards the cause. Every shilling goes towards a glimmer of hope for a mother’s desperate plea for her son’s life.


This story has shown the tremendous capacity of humans to support one another in their most dire struggles. Dorothy’s case is emblematic of a mother’s relentless love and the power of community and unity. As reported from our sources, Dorothy’s struggle continues undeterred as she races against the clock to meet the imposed deadline, clinging to hope that her son’s life, despite the adversities, will be spared.

Elijah Muhammad