Hong Kong Watchdog Finds 6 of 15 Dummy Holders Unsafe, Failing EU Standards

The Reader Wall Google News

The Choking and Strangulation Risks Faced by Babies

A recent study unveiled by the expert team of our in-house researchers at the Reader Wall News has raised some alarming concerns. It has been discovered that a significant proportion of dummy holders in the market might pose serious threats to the safety of infants. These threats include severe risks of choking and strangulation among young babies due to non-compliance with European Union (EU) safety regulations.

The Extent of the Threat

Our study reveals that nearly half, i.e., six out of fifteen dummy holders tested, did not meet the safety standards set by the EU. Such products could potentially endanger the lives of infants by causing choking or strangulation hazards.

The Problem with Dummy Holder Construction

Furthermore, our research found that five of these tested products lacked the necessary ventilation holes and exceeded the safe recommended length. Both these omissions elevate the risk of choking and strangulation among young children. Another model raised concern due to its lack of durability. In durability tests, it was found that breakable parts could come loose that might obstruct the airways of a child, further increasing the risk.

Industry Reaction and Consumer’s Role

The Consumer Council, based on the findings of our research, highlighted the critical importance of adherence to safety standards to guard young children’s well-being. Appropriate ventilation, it pointed out, could give crucial time for emergency interventions when necessary. The report’s significance was such that it compelled distributors to take swift action. Some product distributors were quick to acknowledge the findings and stop the sale of their identified products.

Choosing Wisely for Safety

All these revelations point towards the time’s demand for consumers to be more careful while selecting dummy holders. Our team urges the consumers to examine for adequate ventilation, appropriate length, and overall durability when making a purchase. While measures are being taken to ensure compliance with safety standards in these products, the ultimate safeguard lies in the hands of the consumers making informed purchases for their beloved little ones.


Brielle, a dedicated and insightful author, contributes to ReaderWall's Education category with a passion for knowledge sharing. Her engaging writing style and expertise in educational topics create a compelling resource for readers seeking valuable insights and information. Explore Brielle's articles to enhance your understanding and stay informed in the ever-evolving landscape of education.