Revolutionizing Precision Medicine: The μmCytoMS System for Single-Cell Multiplex Profiling

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Revolutionary µCytoMS System for Single-Cell Analysis

New Microfluidic System µCytoMS for Single-cell Multiplex Profiling

From our research lab, there is exciting news about the development of a unique microfluidic flow cytometry and mass spectrometry system known as µCytoMS. This system specifically engineered for single-cell multiplex profiling stands to offer significant advancement in clinical diagnostics and cell phenotypisation.

Key Features of µCytoMS

The vital aspect of µCytoMS is its ability to carry out precise evaluations of drug uptake and comprehensive protein expression analysis at a single-cell level. This specificity is made possible through the use of biofunctionalized nanoprobes that selectively bind with target cells.

µCytoMS and Machine Learning

What sets apart µCytoMS further is its integrated machine learning algorithm. It has been successful in profiling drug uptake and marker expression in multiple tumor cell lines. Manifesting such high potential makes it an excellent tool in the realm of clinical diagnosis and single-cell phenotypic analysis.

Research Findings and Implications

Our laboratory findings put forward exciting possibilities for medical science and diagnostics. We determined the lower bound for SSNR while the lowest value of the second-order correlation function recorded was 4.6 ns corresponding to SSNR. This crucial finding proves single fluorophore sensitivity in a flow cytometry setting.

Moreover, this powerful analytical approach allows for its applicability to various problems in practical situations. For instance, verifying gene editing for quantitative medicine and the detection of unusual events pertinent to cancer diagnostics.

Inside the µCytoMS Methodology

Utility of Fluorescent molecules and Colloidal Quantum Dots

In the µCytoMS approach, we use fluorescent molecules and colloidal quantum dots serving as biomarkers in flow cytometry. Since they are single-photon sources, the detectors in the HBT optical setup never simultaneously click.

Exploring Antibunching

The antibunching phenomenon is characterized by the second-order coherence function. As a result, the number of emitters in the interrogation volume is under the influence of a Poisson process. Therefore, the non-classical nature of antibunching can be observed and utilized where the number of fluorophores in the interrogation volume fluctuates during the measurement.

Gina Torres

Gina Torres, an accomplished author in the realm of Agriculture, brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to ReaderWall. With a passion for sustainable farming practices and environmental stewardship, Torres's insightful writings delve into the intricacies of modern agriculture, offering valuable insights and practical solutions for readers seeking a deeper understanding of the field. Explore her works to cultivate a greener future.