Voyage to the assurance of demise

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An Impossible Journey to Earth’s Core

A Thought Experiment: Digging Through the Earth

Consider for a moment the concept of drilling a hole through the Earth’s core and traversing from one end to the other. An astonishing thought, but unfortunately, an impossible task due to significant and unavoidable hurdles such as death, pressure, temperature, and of course, the geographical location at the end of the hole. This article is based on the source data from Reader Wall.

Hazards and Challenges of Digging Deep

First of all, one needs to carefully choose the starting point to avoid the possibility of ending in vast water bodies like oceans – the majority of our Earth’s antipodes are not lands, but seas. For instance, if you began in India, most destinations would land you somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. You need to start from such a location that ensures you finish on land, preventing the risk of drowning. However, the threat of water is minimal compared to the more serious issues associates with drilling.

Humans: Just Scratching the Surface

Previous efforts of drilling deep below the Earth’s surface have only marginally been successful. For instance, the deepest gold mine located in South Africa reaches about 3,900m below the surface, while the Kola Superdeep Borehole in Russia, the deepest human-made hole ever, extends to around 12,000m. To put in context, Earth’s radius is 6,371km – meaning even the deepest hole has barely scratched Earth’s surface.

Physical Limitations: Pressure and Heat

  • Temperature: the deeper you dig, the hotter it becomes. At 3,900m beneath the Earth’s surface, air conditioning is required for miners to work. The temperature at the bottom of another hole, Kola, was recorded as 180°C. It’s unfathomable to imagine surviving the estimated temperature of the Earth’s core – a sizzling 5,000°C which would possibly roast a person within minutes.
  • Pressure: on the Earth’s surface, we experience the pressure of approximately 10km of atmosphere. Imagine the weight of thousands of kilometers of atmosphere pressing upon you as you descend. The pressure in the Earth’s center would be over a quadrillion times the surface pressure, transforming the air into a fluid-like state and altering your physical state as well.

Weightless Yet Immovable at Earth’s Core

In an extreme and hardly possible scenario where you manage to survive the roasting temperatures and crushing pressures of the Earth’s interior, you will find yourself at the core, solidified due to the immense pressure and weightless from the planet’s equal force in every direction. As tempting as it might sound to be weightless, this journey comes with a certain and inevitable cost – death.


The thought of drilling through the Earth may be fascinating, but it stays within the realms of imagination and speculation. The impossibilities of surviving intense temperatures, adapting to massive pressure, and the considerable depth to be covered render it a nonviable venture, making it an interesting topic for science fiction and scholarly discourse, rather than a conceivable human endeavor.


Brielle, a dedicated and insightful author, contributes to ReaderWall's Education category with a passion for knowledge sharing. Her engaging writing style and expertise in educational topics create a compelling resource for readers seeking valuable insights and information. Explore Brielle's articles to enhance your understanding and stay informed in the ever-evolving landscape of education.